Amidst all of the daily druge reports, city hustle, bad economic times and the generally dark news it doesn't take much looking around before one feels down. Maybe if you put on some different colored glasses one just might realize we live in some pretty cool times. The tech we get to play with today is pretty cool, and around the corner are creative people making even cooler toys.
One of these toys just happens to be another set of those "glasses" but when applied it allows a wearer to see things in a different light. I wish we had this stuff when we were kids.
Today's point? How many people cruise the highway every day and just see it as means to get to the other end? I stumbled upon this particular interchange when following wife Paula and her sis as they drove to Ohio one summer. Just for fun I installed a tracker in the car and checked on their progress. I found them in Amarillo, Tx that day, and caught this as they drove by.
I just had to stop and appreciate the guy that sat down and scratched this interchange on paper. He could have taken less time and done alot worse for sure. I bet the crew on the ground paving and striping didn't even know how neat this looks from above. Just like the giant hieroglyphs scratched in the sands by our ancestors, man still makes pictures for aliens to enjoy in case they wander by. Maybe it's a form of large scale graffiti?
Thanks Google Earth for being the cool tech that shows us the beauty in the chaos. It's actually all around but we usually don't stop to notice it. (btw- yes, Paula and her sis missed it too)
Ok- so I might also be a road geek. But if I'm ever in Amarillo, I'm gonna go try this thing out.
I love Google Earth.
'Found Art'. One of those things that makes it all worthwhile. I thought there was nothing beautiful in Amarillo. Guess I was wrong
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