Wednesday, April 16, 2008

This bus stops here.

We are safely tied up and fendered to a dock provided by Fishhook Marina in Golfito.

First look shows us it is a mix between a quiet little town that supports a small local fishing fleet, and a town that wants to grow. Nothing here is very big except the wharf. They must get the occasional large ship in here for something. Being a protected bay without swells Yacht transport services like Dockwise makes a stop here to load boats for piggybacking them elsewhere. Right across the street (I think it's the ONLY street) is a very packed cemetery that might be neat to check out, then the trees and dense jungle pretty much take over the rest of the hill. Everything is covered by this green mix of vegetation.

Golfito is also a port of entry. Being so close to the border of Panama, cruisers are in here for provisions as well as checking in and out of Costa Rica. Aside from the low water pressure and the painfully slow internet, it has everything we need for our stay.

Now the real work starts:
Yesterday was consumed by the complete tear down, clean/wash, and re-sort of the inside and top of the boat. Today, we will finish going around the outside and maybe even a bit down under the waterline. I know of a few things up the mast that need tending to and I hear the never ending job of varnish upkeep will also start soon. Best not to rush into too much tho.

Somewhere in there we will have to get in to the center of town to explore a bit more too.


Tina said...

And I'm sure somewhere in there, a margarita or two will be necessary... Boy, you guys have it rough!

Unknown said...

Right now it's a rummy-punch kinda thing. We ran out of tequila. Switched to rum-sunsets.

yesh- nice!


shoo said...

Wow, no posts for over 2 weeks. I thought you have a ways to go before sailing off the edge of the world.

Looking forward to the next installment of "The Adventures of Captain Motorboat".